Monday, September 22, 2008

England Cricket in Kiddie Porn Scandal

Some guy you have never heard of is a paedophile.

This may mean nothing to you, but the guy who likes to look at nekkid 4 year old boys did so on an ECB computer.

To the tune of 23k, and the ECB had to pay the bill.

Now that is a lot of kiddie porn.

Although you know the old saying, kiddie porn aint cheap these days.

So this dude, Marques Church, who was employed to rub down Ali Cook, and probably other players as well, has now admitted downloading child pornography.

Church has traveled with the English team before, even back to his native New Zealand.

Apparently he used to be a Rugby player, although there seems to be no proof of this, but if it is the case, this may be the first reported case of a rugby player being a pervert.

True story.

Thanks to Sportsfreak for the heads Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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