Thursday, September 11, 2008

yuvraj's tennis parents

"It's his destiny that he will play and do well in Test cricket. Sher ka baccha ghaas nahi khata (The son of a lion doesn't eat grass)"

Yuvraj's daddy

"I want Yuvraj to be a legend in the cricketing world and take revenge for all the injustice that has been done to me [in my career]."

Yuvraj's daddy again

"I want to remind Kapil that people who stay in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... If he rewinds his life, he will find that he wasn't an angel."

Yuvraj's mummy

What the fuck is wrong with Yuvraj's family.

Do they ever shut up.

They are like some sort of graf/dokic type psycho cricket parents.

Fancy saying your son is the son of a lion.

What level of wanker do you need to be at to actually say that.

And then to go on about Yuvraj righting the wrongs of his career, what the fuck?

I am starting to think that the reason daddy wasn't picked, is because he is 12 times the tool Dean Jones is.

That is some tool.

Let us not let his mother off the hook here, Dev bagging Yuvraj is a two day story at best, his mother coming out firstly extends the story, and secondly she talks about Dev's partying ways.

Well i may not know much about them, but i do know that if you stacked up their two test records against each other, that even if Dev took heroin out on the field, and Yuvraj was a choir boy who saved burning babies, who i'd rather have in my side.

Knowing the history of parent's like this, it never works out well, i just hope Yuvraj has his own accountant, as we know parents like these aren't always good with doing taxes, or keeping their hands out of the fighting the war on tony greig

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