Monday, September 15, 2008

cricketers on facebook

Today I stumbled onto a great new Facebook group.

The Brett Geeves appreciation society.

The group doesn't have much information, but it does have a heap of people with the surname of Geeves in it.

I do like looking at small time cricketers facebooks groups to see who is on them.

Other than every person ever named Geeves, there is also half of tasmania, and Dane Anderson.

Part Time wicket keeper and 2020 dasher of the Tasmanian Tigers side.

This is a fairly common occurence.

If you go to the Dirty Dirk page, which i go to daily, you will see Middlesex's own Tim Murtagh and Ben Scott.

Yet no Victorian players, this means that beards are way more popular in London than in Melbourne.

Peter Siddle takes his appreciation group to a whole new level by being in his own group.

Now that takes class.

Ofcourse i started my own fan page on facebook, so what can i say.

It's a victorian fighting the war on tony greig

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