Monday, September 15, 2008

new delhi is da bomb

People have died in New Delhi.

Tragic tragic stuff.

But this is not a sympathetic sight for dead people, this is a cricket site.

And Australia are going to India.

Bombs or no bombs.

This may confuse Pakistanis.

But it is simple, India means money, Pakistan means terrorists.

That is the mantra of Cricket Australia, and the Australian cricket team.

So Australia might kick up a little dirt, but the truth is in Shane Watson's and Shane Warne's wallet.

It will take a big mother fucker of a bomb to stop the Australian team touring to India.

I'm talking like a September 11 type bomb on steriods.

Mountains will need to fall in order for Australia to ever not travel to India due to terrorism.

20 people dying is not big enough.

80 people dying wasn't enough to move Warne, Lehmann, Berry and Watson.

And there are like 30 Australians traveling to India for this tour.

You do the maths.

Like i have said before, it's hard to hear bombs while you are counting your fighting the war on tony greig

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