Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the american way

There is a rumour that the PCB wants to sue CA for going to India and not going to Pakistan.

Can you do this, I mean is this an actual option.

And is it open to anyone?

Because I have a few reasons to sue Cricket Australia.

Selectorial bias against Victorians

Dumping roy.

The 2020 shirt design.

Michael Clarke.

Infact, why even stop at Australia.


Due to them ruining Jamie Siddons’ good name by hiring him.


For allowing Giles Clark’s punchable face to be seen.


I want to get to the front of the queue.

New Zealand

Over the Shane Bond incident.


For believing the words of a humble goat herder.

Sri Lanka

Because I still haven’t gotten over Arjuna Rantunga.

South Africa

For being South Africans.

West Indies

Just so they feel involved.

Ofcourse then we might as well move onto more important things.

Channel 9 for Tony Greig.

KP for everytime he talks.

Sourav for being a giant alien lizard.

Cricket with balls for Eyelids.

Who says this can't be an american Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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