Thursday, September 25, 2008

just fix it

The McGain shoulder is still not working.

This hurts me, deeply.

He is still yet to bowl a delivery on this tour, and what is it, like 2 days old.

The first test is only so far away.

Tim Neilson isn’t worried, but he is the man who hired Greg Chappell.

Where is Errol Hooter Allcot when you need him?

If he is good enough for Russell, cousin of Martin and Jeff, Crowe, and Shane Warne, then he is almost good enough for Our Bryce.

Hooter can fix anything.

One time in Karachi, Warne’s arm came off in a nasty orgy incident.

He thought his career was over, but Hooter took as tub of Vaseline, bluetack, and a screw driver and put that shoulder back together.

That is the sort of work Bryce Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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