Tuesday, September 16, 2008

kittens fill gap in market

This ICL nonsense can go on no longer.

The BCCi cannot keep up this crap.

If they want to fuck over the owners of the ICL, go ahead, they can firebomb their houses for all I care.

I don’t give a shit what millionaires do to each other.

I care about cricket.

Obscure Japanese film directors.

And Natalie Portman.

Cricket needs Bangladesh.

Very few countries embrace cricket as fundamentally as Bangladesh.

Sure they are poor, and a little unstable, but so were Sri Lanka, and they gave us Aravinda and Kumar.

The big worry with the ICL and the 2020 revolution was that the little countries, where the players don’t already make millions, would lose their players.

New Zealand have already lost their best match winner, and few more than handy players.

Now Bangladesh are losing 6 players, at least.

The BCCi bullshit player bans aren’t working.

Australia is using the ICL as a superannuation centre.

England are using it as a way to boost their salary in the off season.

And journeymen cricketers from all over the globe are flocking there.

Why wouldn’t they.

It’s easy money, they ply their trade, and they probably get laid when they are over there.

These are all good things.

Taking six cricketers out of the Bangladesh national set up right now is the end of Bangladesh.

If these players go, and the ICC & BCCi cannot change their minds, that is it, you might as well kick Bangladesh out as well.

The banning of ICL cricketers reminds of the way a lot of countries deal with drugs.

There are two major parties in drugs.

The growers and importers on one side and the dealers and users on the other.

The Users will always want the product if it gives them what they want, the Dealers will always sell it because they make easy money from it.

They are the soft criminals, the hard criminals are the growers and the importers, that is where the real money and power is, that is where the root of the problem is.

But you can’t catch the importers, and you can’t touch the growers, so you go after the dealers.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense, because as long as there are users, there will always be dealers.

And the BCCi can’t stop the addiction, especially when they have helped cultivate it.www.cricketwithballs.com... fighting the war on tony greig

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