Thursday, September 4, 2008


NO, No , No NO, No no n ono n o non ono

This cannot be happening,

Bryce is injured.

His shoulder.

It no worky.

His fucking bowling shoulder.

Just when my Beau Casson voodoo doll works, Beau Casson’s mum uses a spell she saw on Passions and Bryce is fucked.

He didn’t bowl at all today, which is a shame as the India A tail fell apart, lots of cheap wickets were there to be had while Beau was getting his groin touched by men.

Why is this happening to me Bryce.

It is an actual tragedy, not like Princess Di dying or Steve Irwin chest fucking a stinger, but a real life tragedy.

This is horrible.

This is by far the worst thing to ever happen, ever.

The world seems like a cold and dark place.

Of all the rainy days and false starts that cricket has given us there has never been a depression like this just sweep the cricket world in one foul swoop of darkness and the sudden chest pressing of heart ache and loss that no one person should ever have to live through like outliving your children or learning that santa claus is a pedophile which are not even apt metaphors as this is far worse than even having to eat your own testicles covered in your own feces does which still doesn't compare to this this this horrible moment in human history the holocaust of cricket moments infact some may say worse than the holocaust it makes the tsunami look like a ripple and people will be saying i remember where i was when bryce got hurt and they will cry and wail and we can only hope that one day the world will make sense again and that the aliens do infact have a plan for us where hurting someone as pure and good as bryce makes sense.

Ofcourse on the plus side I now know my voodoo doll works, was a bit worried when it was reported that Beau had injured his hamstring, I knew I wasn’t poking fighting the war on tony greig

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