Sunday, November 30, 2008

some questions from the outer

Of recent times there has been alot of questions coming to me via my google hits.

I thought i'd answer a few.

does brett lee smoke?

Only crack.

is Dan Vettori gay?

I doubt it, but he has probably dabbled.

morne morkel looking for love

He'll find it on boxing day.

why ricky ponting is an idiot

I don't have enough time for this.

who did brett lee's wife have an affair with

Beaker, Kermit filmed it.

where is andre nel?

Behind you.

batting balls at zombies

Not sure what this means, but it says zombies.

does mitchell johnson have a tongue ring?

Yes, it helps with fellatio, ask Andrew Hilditch.

he likes to be the caveat emptor in sex

Don't we all.

how to middle every ball in cricket?

Face Aaron Redmond.

is david hussey gay

No, jeez, he is just neat.

is shane watson gay

No, as if he would be that interesting.

james sutherland molestation

By Lalit Modi perhaps...

jacque kallis man or woman


cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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