Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is the proctologist Funky?

A lot of people have forgotten about the career of Colin Funky Miller.

It was in Steve Waugh’s glory days as captain, and Australia needed another spinner.

They brought Miller in after a shield season that no one could believe.

He was a really only brought in as a subbie spin option at the other end to Warne, but he did so well he ended up playing 18 tests over 3 years and taking 69 wickets at 26.

He also was the first winner of the Australian test player of the year award on 00/01, which tells you something.

Then he was shelved.

Waugh wanted a 3 pronged pace attack all along, and once Lee was on the scene Miller was shown the door.

That he ended his career with an average of 26 which is pretty good, but he was no longer necessary and was turfed.

Better options were around.

Now Stuart Clark is in the same basket.

Like Miller was brought in to fill a hole, in his 30’s, knowing that he could perform at the top level, and eventually would be replaced by more dangerous weapons.

His form has not slipped, India was a bad time for him, but he was injured, and on his form in Bangladesh, he is just not a good bowler in the subbie.

He was dropped there easily enough, and when he get back from India it was his spot that looked most in jeopardy from Watson.

Mitchell Johnson was Australia’s best bowler in India, no matter what Ricky says about Watson.

If he keeps improving his average will be better than Lee’s soon.

Lee is still Lee.

So the spot of Australia’s third quick is in Clark’s hand, but for how long.

Siddle impressed in his one test.

Douggie Bollinger is not far behind.

Ben Hilfenhaus is back in form.

And Noffke and Geeves add batting to the mix.

Clark may not last the summer without some serious hauls.

Just chipping in may not be enough, Australian cricket still has some more generational change ahead of it.

They know they need youth, Clark can provide a lot of things, but youth is not one of them.

So he might find himself phased out with a test bowling average south of 25.

At the moment he has played 20 tests, so he is two up on Funky, but if he plays 10 more than Funky I will be surprised.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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