Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Inzy likes the Vibe

Inzy likes the Vibe

According to the chief, the banned ICL Pakistani players could soon be playing for the real team.

He feels a positive vibe.

We could see the Lahore Badass mother fucker players in their proper green shirt real soon.

This would please and disturb Tony Greig so much his head could explode.

On one hand he would be happy the ICL is getting more legit, but he would be disappointed the team and country he continually disses are the ones doing it.

And even better than all this, The badass mofos may even play a game against the legit proper Pakistan team.

Very cool.

They could battle it out for right to be the proper Pakistan side.

And the losers have to hand back their passports.

Or they could play to the death position by position.

Who ever scores more, or takes more wickets gets to live and play for Pakistan, and the other one has to burn himself to death in classic effigy style.

What could be more Pakistani than that.


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