Wednesday, November 26, 2008

blogs are not formal

Some people make jokes about how Queensland is behind the time.

I have never done that, I prefer to call them New Texas and ignore them.

But it is hard to not bag them for being behind the time with fagotgate.

The head of QLD cricket has said there is no formal complaint of anyone being called faggot/faget/fagot.

That is true.

But there is a blog.

A blog where people from around the world has read about how drunken fucktards in Brisbane called the suishi loving Iain O’Brien a fagot/faget/faggot.

According to Graham, that doesn’t count.

Blogs are wonderful, and just because you are behind the times and still only use the internet for surfing porn, doesn’t mean the rest of us do.

O’Brien’s blog is obviously legit, it has a picture of him on it, and no one would would fake that.

Also I have consulted several experts in kiwiology, and they all believe it is him.

So it’s formal all right, its all over the internet.

I am not sure whether it’s a big deal, as I reported the fagot comments here before the mainstream media did, and not one of you seemed to care.

Homophobia has not quite reached the racism levels of political correctness yet.

Although in a funny twist, the people who called him fagot/faggot/faget could have been reading his blog, seen the bit where he said he was looking for the ‘perfect’ pair of jeans, and decided he was a faget/faggot/fagot based on that.

Assuming they could read.

This sort of stuff would have never happened in Melbourne.

Iain would have been hit in the head with a golf ball, and his sexuality would have stayed out of it.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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