Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brad, please, no, for the love of something

He did it again.

It’s like he doesn’t get it.

They don’t like being bagged Brad.

They don’t like be constantly told they are getting it wrong.

And they don’t like you questioning them.

It’s ok when a reporter asks you about selection for you to say, no comment, or make a sarcastic sigh.

It is not ok for you to lambaste the very men you need on your side.

And that is not even the worst bit, you are doubting Roy’s selection.

You mad little fucker.

He is like a national hero, when Australia rewrites the history books, Roy will be the reason we lost to India.

He is public hero number 1 right now, and you question his selection.

What goes on in that little head of yours.

Then you bag Simon Katich, that is like pissing on the face of a selectors daughter Brad.

And that is not nice.

Please Brad, no more, think of the children.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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