Saturday, November 15, 2008

Piri Piri Kid Rocks Kiwis (a lot of ‘I’s in that)

Moises Enriques, Portugal’s greatest ever cricketer, rocked the Kiwis on day three of their match.

The poor kiwis are having a bit of a rough time of it at the moment.

Embarrassed in the first innings, ground down to the nub during NSWales innings, then they go out to bat and a 21 year old runs through them like butter.

At least he is not a teenager.

The good news is no Australian player is going to be that young.


Moises who was just starting to push the ‘promising’ tags a bit far, has been given a lot of responsibility by NSWales, they either believe him to be some sort of Portuguese Jesus, or they have no one else.

I think it’s both.

This year Mott has made him bat in the top order and take the new ball.

Moises often flirts with success, but no climaxs so far, but one big hundred and another 5 for and his baggy green will coming very soon.

Talking about Jesus, Daniel Vettori is way nerdier, but is also New Zealand’s new saviour.

When did that happen?

Before he was captain he was just a bowler and a handy batsman.

Now he is a nerdy super alpha dog who dominates their batting and their bowling.

Or the rest have just stopped trying.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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