Friday, November 14, 2008

look at the freak show

Some sort of Hybrid experiment went on in Australia.

It was a game, of sorts, between two sponsors elevens involving some of Australia’s best cricketers.

It wasn’t a full strength Australian team, which meant even the second team was not a full strength ‘A’ side.

The purpose of it seems dubious at best, if you were being positive you could say it was cheap publicity for the upcoming cricket season.

If you are a negative fucker like myself, you may say a governments airline, the crappy chicken mob and the dodgy whiskey got a lot of bang for a glorified practice game.

The ‘Bish’ team won.

There were several interesting things to come out of the game (sort of):

Xavier ‘stutter ball’ Doherty got a game for the main ‘Aish’ side, instead of getting a hat in a special presentation he was given a bucket of chicken.

Siddle and Geeves also got games, but their respective state team mates gave them a hard time.

Roy was there, remember him.

Brad Hodge did the whole look how good I am thing.

Justin Langer proved his case for selection.

Moses did a QBQ of the game, but got bored and didn’t finish.

Dan Marsh played for the ‘Bish’ team, I love the man, but have no idea why he was playing, and why if he was playing he wasn’t captaining.

Brendan Drew’s transformation from bowler to whatever he is now is almost complete, that spell in county cricket has done him wonders.

The 4 top scores for the ‘Bish’ team were all over 30 years of age, and 2 are retired.

And the ‘Bish’ team got to wear spiffy red We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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