Friday, November 21, 2008

Dirty Dirk doesn't need a pitch

People wonder why i like Dirty Dirk Nannes.

Today he showed the world.

While Victoria were choking Western Australia, he was taking a break after producing possibly the best bowling figures of all time.

0.1 overs

2 runs

1 wicket

The man is a freakin genius.

Do you know hard that is to do.

It takes a special man, and Dirty Dirk is that man.

He started with a full toss to Kings XI Punjabian Shaun Marsh.

That got him a wicket, Dirk doesn't believe in traditional wickets you see.

And with SOS Marsh out of the way, he obviously thought his job was done, but before he went he gave Luke Pomersbach a couple of beamers too soften him up a bit.

After all, Dirk is nothing if not a team player, but these beamers, both no balls, apparently broke some sort of Peter Roebuck rule, and Dirk was hoisted from the attack.

Job done.

Hit the showers, book some snow trips, clean your sax and watch Gozu.

What a superstar.

He even let Eyelashes Pattinson, brother of Eyelids Pattinson, have all the glory on debut.

A man of the people as well.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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