Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Roy loves the peanuts on Indian Airlines

Andrew Symonds has rung the bell.

Once an Australian cricketer brings up concerns about touring, the Australian team almost never tours there.

Shane Watson and Nathan Hauritz (I know) have said they will play, but since Roy is major big time, and the other two aren’t, he is drowning them out.

Roy doesn’t like the idea of travelling to Pakistan.

We all know Pakistan is the second most dangerous place on earth, just behind the Dandenong train station, but don’t bombs go off in other places.

Like say India.

Wasn’t Chuck Berry shaking in his boots after 80 odd people died in Jaipur?

During the IPL, Roy didn’t go to Jaipur, he did go to Mumbai, where 190 people were killed in 2006.

Never heard any comments about him being worried about Mumbai, did you?

According to this really dodgy website I found, at least 600 civilians died from Mohammedans or Christians engaging in terrorism in 2006.

The website probably isn’t reliable, but I love the word Mohammedans.

But it does illustrate that people die from bombs and stuff in India.

Roy goes to India a lot.

And I have never once heard him say that he is worried about travelling there.

What is the key difference?


It can’t just be money, although, I’m sure that doesn’t help.

He doesn’t strike me as the sort of guy who is money hungry.


Is it because the western media don’t cover India as a violent state?

India is thought of as a friendly cricket mad place that hippies like to visit and that like cows.

Pakistan is though of as a violent state that no one wants to visit and even Imran isn’t safe in.

Until Jaipur blew up during the IPL, most people I knew weren’t aware of major terrorism in India.


Is it the lack of Mohammedans in India?

Over here we are taught to believe that Muslims are the key to all terrorism in this day and age, which ofcourse is nonsense.

Tamil's aren't Muslims, and from memory neither was the IRA.

But who is to say that a Queenslander who isn’t big on reading books would know that.

I don’t know the answers.

Cricket is full of hypocrites.

The western countries don’t want Zimbabwe in because they are led by a ruthless dictator.

Couldn’t the same argument be made against Pakistan.

So few Western players want to visit Pakistan, but they volunteer to go to India?

Australia are due to travel to India not long after the ICC knockout cup is die to be in Pakistan, will we hear Roy raise his concerns about India?

I doubt

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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