Thursday, July 24, 2008

Future PM gets advice from the sself proclaimed legend

David Hussey plays spin like an angry seal clubber.

He made his name by making a double tonne against Lord Stuey on the last day of a shield match where victoria chased down over 400.

How did he learn to play spinners.

Dean Jones.

How do I know this, I heard an interview with the Future Pm on the wireless.

What else did I learn?

Hussey has a coffee club with Lord Mash, where they discuss how to solve the worlds problems when they go out early in the day.

It wasn't mentioned if Lord Mash sits their on his own when Huss is busy batting.

He has a ranking system for people. I can’t really remember it, but its like top bloke, good bloke, shit bloke type thing.

Trams bother him.

Also his lady friend is a marine biologist, just like George Costanza.

What was Deano’s advice to FPM about how to play spin.

If you are facing an off spinner, walk down the pitch and put him over his head for six.

If you are facing a leg spinner walk down the pitch and hit him over extra cover for six.

There is something special about Victorian cricket advice, sounds very much like Rodney Hogg’s advice to fast bowlers.

Bowl at their heads, they can’t drive you

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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