Sunday, July 13, 2008

Punjabi injured

Luke Pomersbach, the Kings XI Punjabi batsman, has broken his collarbone.

He did so surfing.

Injuries have played an interesting role in his career, he played for Australia in a 2020 match because Brad Hodge can’t put pants on.

Now he isn’t good enough to make the top 30 one day cricketers list.

Perhaps he didn’t play enough IPL matches, as they are the key for selection these days.

As I can’t find any information about the injury, other than 2 lines in a Melbourne paper I will have to make up the news as best I can.

I believe Luke was executing a Round-house cutback.

A classic move, earning good points when properly executed. Surf onto the shoulder of the wave, keeping high on the face. Do a full 180° turn back towards the pocket of the wave, riding the nose of the ski squarely onto the white water. Using the power of the wave to assist you, turn down the wave and regain the clean face of the wave. Lean into the wave and slightly back to avoid a nose-dive.

I doubt he was drunk at the

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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