Thursday, July 17, 2008

quarantine alert

Did you know that Stuart Law has herpes?

Paul Nixon has Sars.

Shane Bond has the bubonic plague.

And Jason Gillespie has syphilis.

Do you know how these players got sick, the ICL.

I know.

It’s a dirty, dirty competition that is literally swarming with bacteria and disease.

Much like Manchester.

Luckily the BCCi are saving their cricketers from these diseases.

They are banning all their precious commoditised from playing county cricket with any “ICL” afflicted players.

So Piyush Chawla can’t play for Hampshire, because diseased antipodeans like Shane Bond and Ian Harvey might infect with and he will never be the same again.

But the BCCi has not gone far enough.

They are allowing county players who have played in sides with ICL players to play in the IPL.

That is terrible quarantine, the diseases will now flow from the host to the carrier players and end up in the IPL and kill them all.


Scary stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree.

The BCCi should go further, they should ban contact with all people who have come into contact with the ICL.

Oh, that means Tony Greig and Dean Jones, whoops.

If we have to, we have to, think of the

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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