Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eyelids, a rags to riches tail

How does a Victorian go from putting tiles on a flat Princes Highway, to playing test cricket in one year?

His best chances would be to play for a country that picks Victorians regularly.

Obviously that rules out Australia.

But if Alan Mullally, Craig White and the Hollioakes have taught us anything, it’s that the England likes a Victorian.

I am talking of Darren Eyelids Pattinson, the former part time Victorian quick who has just been named as insurance for Anderson and Sidebottom who both hurt their backs in dodgy beds.

As far as I can tell, not the same bed.

Eyelids has no chance of actually getting picked, does he, I mean Tremlett is ahead of him, and what are the chances of Sidebottom and Anderson being unfit.

It’s not likely.

But Geoff Miller likes the man, and as we are constantly reminded he bowls a heavy ball.

Eyelids was on fire at the start of the season, but since then he has been pretty quiet.

I have written about Eyelids a few times before, probably more than anyone, but even I am surprised at how quickly he has risen.
Back in April I said this, with tongue in cheek,
“This is a very good start for the man, who I presume will play for England within the next 4 months.”

Also at this time I would like to bring attention Simon Jone’s comments in TWC, that no one in the English side could keep him out.

Jones, the most in form bowler in England, hasn’t been kept out of the team by a Victorian.

We all know an in form bowler would never be kept out of the Australian team for a Victorian quick bowler.

I am happy for Eyelids, because my mate is a roofer, and he hates it.

Oh and in other news, Freddy was picked, but that clearly isn't the major story

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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