Monday, April 7, 2008

the IPL will roam the desert for 40odd days

The IPL goes for about 6 weeks.

There is only 8 sides.

That’s 42 days of potential cricket.

Are they planning on playing each other 5 times each?

Is the final series a 2 week extravaganza?

What is their damage?

The great thing about 2020 is the length of time the game goes for, so why make the tournament an epic struggle.

This is not 2001 a space oddity, it's crank.

They could play double headers if they wanted to, it’s still only 80 overs of cricket.

But to drag the tournament out seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

Test cricket fans like the slow building of a match, one day fans like a match they can drink at all day and 2020 fans want a game so fast they can hardly handle it.

42 days is a long time.

In 42 days Clint Eastwood could make an epic, Robert Rodriguez could make 3.

In 42 days society could be brought down with a revolution and rebuilt again in mine and Andre’s image.

In 42 days you could find a girl, fall in love, break up with the girl, stalk the girl, move in with the girl, get the girl pregnant and sleep with her mother.

In 42 days you could technically play 336 games of 2020 cricket without ever having two games overlap.

Which is not as stupid as it sounds.

Players could be injected with amphetamines and pain killers.

Spectators could be fed red cordial and Ice.

And the commentators could be replaced with coked up kiddie show presenters.

24hour 2020, back to back to back to back.

Then we could make it tippety, then we could make it one hand once bounce, then we could make it last man’s tucker.

Then we could play it in backyards. But it’s out if you hit the windows.

Then 2020 cricket could be phased out for 1010 cricket, which includes motorbikes and burlesque dancers.

Then we can get rid of the cricketers, get a band to play, probably the Pixies, have a beer and watch the motorbikes and Burlesque "Practice Sehwagology and kill the Probots"

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