Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ashley Noffke, a member of the Bangalore test XI

Ashley Matrix, as he is known to his friends, is an all rounder from Queensland.

This was not always the case, he used to be a medium pacer from Queensland.

Unless he played against Victoria, and then he evoked the spirit of Keith Miller.

He was even dubbed the next Glenn McGrath a bunch of times, that was when he was a gangly medium paced line and length bowler with a nerdish exterior.

Then this year he got bored with being a medium pacer and became a fast bowling all rounder who was unstoppable in state cricket.

He is still definitely a bowling all rounder, but he is good enough to change the structure of the Australian test team.

Like guys like Freddy, technique is not his forte, he has a high backlift, and hits best when hitting straight.

As a bowler he is fast, and until recently was a line and length bowler.

Now he is a bit more Russian Roulette, but he is about 10 clicks quicker on average, so you can forgive him.

While he is built for 2020 and one day cricket as a big hitting fast bowling demon, he actually does a lot better in 4 day cricket.

Go figure.

He is far less nerdy than he used to be.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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