Thursday, April 24, 2008

Roy ka ching

Roy has been in pretty average form for a while now.

Today, that stopped.

Munaf Patel, Ol’Flexy arm Trivedi and the great Shane Keith were taken apart as Darren Lehmann could only sit and eat pies from the bench.

Curry pies.

Either the cheerleaders or a glass of cold milk inspired Roy, and he now owns the fastest 100 in the tournament so far.

Now he can sit back, content in the knowledge he lived up to his price tag once in this tournament.

You could say the gorilla is off his back.

But then you’d be a racist, so best you shut up, you bastard.

Anyway, America’s next top model Salunkhe bowled an over.

That’s probably news worthy.

Afridi almost lasted an over.

That’s all I have. I’m going to bed.

Akmal and Smith, together at last, hello ladies, this one is for you.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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