Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How FAR?

My man Asish Nehra is back.

I don’t know where he has been, but a journey travelled is a life experienced, or whatever.

In 2003 I thought he was Donald Sutherland in the Dirty Dozen, sure he didn’t really do a lot, but what he did was extremely effective.

Before the world cup final he was the only Indian bowler I was worried about, Srinath was older than bread, and Khan was erratic.

Then he was gone, and I missed him, I even lamented his absence here.

Now he is back, slightly thicker, more facial hair and a slightly busier than I remember.

He is only in the IPL, but that’s something I guess.

Plus he took a wicket that is doubly something.

Watching him play you can see how desperate he is too succeed.

When a catch was almost taken off his bowling, he was like a starving man, in the desert, probably thirsty, who then saw Natalie Portman holding a toasted ham and cheese sandwich whilst pouring beer on herself.

That sort of desperation is very rarely seen outside of reality tv "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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