Sunday, April 27, 2008

brad hodge, the hasselhoffs

I cannot say for certain that Brad Hodge reads this blog.

But I can say that people very very close to him do.

So I will choose my words carefully.

I don’t like the man, I think he’s a bit of a knob jockey.

People in the know tell me this is not the case.

I choose to disbelieve them, and go with my gut instinct, that same one that led me into a relationship with a self mutilating bulimic.

Brad Hodge can seriously bat, just ask him.

In one day cricket, 2020 cricket, county cricket especially.

For all his talk though his shield record is good, not great.

I remember chatting to a cricketer once who said, you know Brad Hodge is about to enter a room, because his head enters 5 minutes before his body.

Brad is a Victorian, and i tolerate him because of all the games he wins for us.

But other than that small fact I am not a fan.

For those who have not seen the nuggety batsman I will give you a brief overview.

He starts his innings badly, infact, generally the worse he starts the better he bats.

He is compact, some say he has a weakness in the corridor, he can hit the ball to anywhere on the ground, but is probably at his best square on either side.

Can play spin pretty well, and bowls offies ok himself. Will be a better number 3 for this team than Ricky was.

I spose Hodge is all right, everyteam needs a cocky mofo in it, so you can bag him after it goes pear shaped.

But him and Ganguly in one changeroom would be excruciating for everyone else.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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