Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ricky, If the glove don't fit

Ricky Ponting is in bad form.

Really bad.

No longer can Harbhajan Singh and his commando rolls be blamed.

No longer can Ishant Sharma’s adams apple be the culprit.

Even the hair transplants couldn’t have affected him this much.

He is scrambling around the crease like a drunkard looking for a tote ticket in an updraft.

Last night he made Das look like Bradman, and Hussey look like Headley.

I thought to help Ricky out before his next test series I would give the names of people in worse form than him.

OJ Simpson â€" cut shots have deserted him.

Britney Spears â€" keeps getting hit in the box.

Viscount Lynley â€" is always getting caught behind

Lindsay Lohan â€" always bowling at the throat

Todd McKenney â€" struggles once out on the park

Fritzl family â€" can never break the shackles

Ronaldo â€" has trouble picking the mystery balls

See Ricky, you are not the only one in bad form.

Life can be tough when you get paid six figures and you scratch around.

Chin up son, at least you haven't been chained to your son in a basement whilst listening to Britney Spears.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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