Saturday, April 19, 2008

IPl reportish

I watched the first IPL game, in between other activities, that you don't need to know about.

This is what I saw.

Ganguly & McCullum come out with bling helmets on.

McCullum's is far blingier, Sourav must have been pissed.

McCullum's pads are from the future, and would even look stupid there.

Rudi Koertzen is sporting one hell of a cowboy hat, and a slim fitting shirt. Rauf also has the cowboy hat, memo to all pakistani umpires, cowboy hats are not your thing.

The cheerleaders who are in the grandstand look older than Bryce McGain.

Kallis catches Ganguly, see even with a load of International stars I can still find the double negative.

Do they have to cut to SRK every time a batsman (read McCullum) hits a boundary.

Ponting still not in form, and as i write this he goes out.

SRK is getting the best work out of his life.

Cameron White might want to hand some of his money back after his first over.

SRK watch, 23 stupid dances, 84 fist pumps and 12 times he has gotten up and no one around him has.

McCullum makes a non international hundred. He is paying the same innings i play in my dreams, and in my dreams a bollywood star celebrates every shot as well, but it's not SRK.

That is over, McCullum was the only batsman, even the great David Hussey Future PM included, who liked like making runs and he tore the @ss out of the Royal Challengers.

Brad Haddin is doing special comments for Channel 10 in the studio, this has not been a good debut for him. He hasn't even mentioned pricks or balls yet.

Oh and by the way, the ten minute break between the innings is not enough time to have a real session, if you catch my drift.

I assuming the cameraman in front of SRK will get killed if he can't capture SRK after every good thing that happens.

The Adam's Apple of Sharma is looking downright dangerous right now.

Oh Wasim Jaffer, you are a worry.

The IPl is worth a kabillion dollars and the logos on the Royal Challengers shirts are stuck on with krazy glue.

That's it Cameron Big Bear White is out, and I'm going to bed.

Just another close 2020 "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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