Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stanford under the microscope

Last night I did a little QBQ (OBO) type thing on the first Stanford game.

Twas my first experience of the Texas Real Estate Baron.

Last night I did a little QBQ (OBO) type thing on the first Stanford game.

Twas my first experience of the Texas Real Estate Baron.

The first thing you noticed is the sky commentators were the team.

And they were in A grade ass licking form.

Bumble loved the gym, and Nasser loved absolutely every part of the ground, atmosphere and tournament.

While they were fighting for the crown of chief ass licker, Mike Haysman was talking to the players on the field.

They couldn’t hear him over the music, so that was handy, for them.

Then he spoke to some players off the field and crowd members, and one thing hit me, the chick who does the same job in the ICL is really hot, so it doesn’t matter if the interview is interesting.

Stanford acts like a politician, I may have given myself a poetic licencse when I said he kissed a baby, he actually picked up a 6 year old, held her in front of his face like an uncomfortable uncle and then put her on the ground and told her how pretty she was.

It was horrible.

He also went around shaking hands.

It was just wrong, he isn’t that sort of guy.

The black bats were something, something shit, they are just painted in black paint and then have the stickers put on.

So they aren’t all black, and once the white ball hits them it looks shoddy as shit.

The crowd, while the Indians go over the top. And that is annoying in itself, the West Indians are too cool to show any emotion at all.

The umpiring system is flawed.

The 3rd umpire can change a decision at any time, except that there is no time, so mistakes are going to happen more often, with the 3 appeals system, you have more chances to get the right decision.

Benn had an LB that could have been out (it wasn’t but lets pretend it was), and the appeal was turned down, if it was actually out Benn can’t appeal to the third, and since there is about 20 seconds between balls Rudi wouldn’t have had time to actually review it before the next ball.

How is that fair to the bowlers?

And even in 2020, the batsmen get off the field very quickly after their wickets, so Rudi may not get time to review their case either.

It’s an illusion of fairness.

Plus the umpires look like old porn stars.

The pitch, at this stage, doesn’t look conducive to big scores.

The uniforms, are amazingly plain, and I don’t mind that, but they do look a little odd around the ankles.

Over all the Stanford didn’t jump out at me like the IPL did.

But it does have its advantages, no one said DLF maximum, no bollywood stars bogarting cricketers fame, and the cricket was more important than the show.

But the last point is the problem, in 2020 the show is the main thing, and it was light on the show, and without the show, all you have is the cricket, and 2020 cricket is Meh most of the time.

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