Friday, October 10, 2008

second day 2nd session

Sharma hit a crack, and the bowl sang a show tune.

Probably not what India want to see on the second day.

Hussey made a hundred, because that is what King Probot does.

It was an inside edge that almost took out leg stump but he screamed like he just saw New kids on the block for the first time.

Then Haddin played a shot that would have made Neil Harvey so angry he would have rung up a bunch of Journalists.

It was a bunted scoop with no footwork from a wide slower ball. Sharma was the bowler, and maybe this is unfair, but it does not look like a Fernando slower ball of mass deception.

That brings the big bear to the wicket.

He faces one whole over from Sharma without a yorker.

That is a mistake.

The first three balls to White should be quick straight Yorkers.

It didn’t matter much, as White also followed off a Sharma slower ball, it wasn’t as ugly as haddin’s, but it wasn’t pretty.

The pitch is playing slower and slower, India hardly used slower balls all day yesterday, or even this morning, but now Sharma has got two wickets in a couple of overs.

Haddin and White, who are strikers of the ball, both lofted other balls because of the slow nature of the pitch at other times.

Lee prodded around for a while to the two spinners, then opened up a bit, but one of his prods edged to third man and just as it was about to go to the rope, an Indian player, not sure who, jumped into the field of play and through it back to the fielder who was chasing it.

It was obviously a boundary, but, India had 12 men on the field, surely that is like potting the 8 ball.

The Indian production company took its time, but today there has been more than a few ‘Tony Greig Shots’ of young ladies in the crowd.

6 of the first 7 wickets have been taken by the quicks, that must be good news for Australia.
Lee is really batting quite well, he is a hitter like White and Haddin, but he has just waited a bit more than they did, and he really pissed off the Indians with his knock.

Ball is reversing now.

Hussey just kept on accumulating.

Haddin played in a good partnership, but was a little disappointing, and so was White.

Lee was superb.

Yet again Sharma was the man, his bowling is the only thing that is keeping India with a chance of being in the game.

Because of Brett Lee Australia win this session, and they are in a very strong Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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