Sunday, October 26, 2008

2 tests be damned

Congratulations to New Zealand. They have played brilliantly this test.

And with it they have wrapped their first series win in the Subbie in 4 years. Daniel Vettori should be very proud.

I think we all know the problem with 2 test series. They suck. And with rain they suck hard.

So I am calling for all 2 test series to be banned.

We don’t need them. Stick them where the sun don’t shine. Fuck them off. Burn them at the cross.


2 test series are not deserving of the term ‘series’, they are abominations created by tight fisted administracrats.

So lets kill the administracrats and send the 2 test series back to hell.

Who is with me? We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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