Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the Gautham city Joe Biden

Indian cricket is full of big names, big performances, big egos and big ass clowns.

One man seems to more of a doer, and less of a God-like being.

Sehwag is the Barack O’Bama figure, it doesn’t really matter what he does, the people want him at all times. That doesn’t mean that this story doesn’t end with a bang.

Ganguly is the Sarah Palin one, not the brightest or the best, but boy does he look good in a bikini and rub people up the wrong way.

Ol’ John McCain is Ol’ Sachin Tendulkar, been there a long time, steady like a freight train and loved fanatically by those who are fanatical by nature.

Gambhir though is hardly spoken of.

He is there, we have seen the scorecards, and he is important, we have reviewed the scorecards, but he doesn’t get the fan fare.

Occasionally he is prone to en emabarrsing gaffe, and is not afraid to get down and dirty, but at the moment he is the quiet achjiever.

Others may get the plaudits, but without him on the ballot, Barack would be light on.

Were Sehwag to get assassinated, again, Gautham may not be the man you want to take over, but that does not mean he wouldn’t do a damn fine job.

I think he is ready to handle the launch codes.

And to complete the metaphor, Dravid is Al Gore, VVS is Bill Clinton, and Dhoni is Hilary. We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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