Thursday, October 16, 2008

Live QBQ of India, not Jesse Ryder

Welcome to the QBQ of the first days play in India, a QBQ is like an OBO, only less frequent.

Feel free to refresh every couple of overs.


Lee is bowling quick, but the runs is flowing off him, when this happens Johnson usually comes on early.

Sizzle gets one through Sehwag, was short and wide, but it skidded through.

A couple of balls later he bowls a leg cutter that you would kill your favourite relative to own and beats Sehwag, next ball he bowls a similar one and he edges it for 4.

Pretty impressive start from Sizzle, doesn't look overawed, and looks as if he is upto this level early on.


Pitch has good pace in it, Sehwag slashes one wide of Hussey and there are a few oh and ahs, but it was safe enough.

Lee has really deviated the ball off the straight just yet.

Peter Sizzle starts with a bouncer and smacks Gautham City on the helmet.

That is how you start international cricket kiddies.

Gautham takes a good while to recover, wasn't really that short.

In the over Sizzle reaches 140 clicks.

Sehwag and Gautham score off the over however and it's 17 after 2.

Brett Lee started with a Harmison/Khan type effort.

Gautham city played a nice on drive, Lee bowled a huge 4 wides and then finishes with a crack.

Ten off it.

I assume India won the toss, and Mehra is playing, also these are estimations at this Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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