Thursday, October 16, 2008

From the Melbourne show to Mohali

Victoria’s newest test cricketer is Peter Siddle (Pronounced Peter Sizzle).

On behalf of Victoria, I would like to thank Merv Hughes, and Stuart Clark’s elbow.

I don’t know what’s going on with all these Victorians in the test team.

But I don’t care either, I am just fucking ecstatic there are some.

Woo fucking hoo y’all.

Ofcourse Sizzle there are a few things you need to know.

No more wood chopping.

Your feet are too important now.

So if you are seen standing on a wood block singing an axe at it, get off.

You will need blonde highlights.

You are a young Australian cricketer, and you like Dermie, this is non negotiable.

Wickets will be needed from you.

I know from your past this is not a stretch, but 4 or 5 in the match would be swell.

And most importantly, Ricky Ponting likes Hot Cocoa in the morning, and glass of pura milk in the evening.

You may have to fight Cam for the job.

Ask Clarke how the Cocoa should be prepared.

Oh and enjoy yourself, cause if you fail, there will be a NSWelshman in there so fast you won’t have time to take your cap off.

Remember kiddies, everytime a Victorian gets a baggygreen, a crack whore gets her Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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