Sunday, June 15, 2008

trpping the brad fantastic

Australia obviously wanted to get a jiggle on.

Katich came out and played a Monica Seles backhand through cover, as only he can.

Clarke looked extra jumpy and vibey, like he was in a lemonade ad from the 80’s.

Then after a few overs with a decent run rate, things slowed.

Benn got on top, and Katich got caught playing a cover drive.

Roy strode in and was so enamoured by the Krab’s fine shot he repeated it and the run rate stood still.

Clarke really batted slowly for a vice captain of a team looking to declare, but he was facing a 130 over old ball and his back was clearly playing up.

Haddin looked full of beans and did the quicker scoring as Benn tried to trip him up.

No, literally (I know).

Benn not content with chirping at Haddin every ball, even though Haddin seemed to be able to place him to the fence regularly, decided that while Haddin went wthough with a single, he would just slip his foot and then instantly argue with Haddin, and then Dar, it hadn’t happened on purpose.

Benn, this may be one of your first trips to the rodeo, but they’ve been having them for centuries, and filming them for decades.

We could see you look at Haddin coming, and then try and get your foot into a position where it would trip him.

We’ve all wanted to trip Haddin before Benn, but most of us do it when the cameras are off.

Then the ever slowing ball took complete control and Jerome ran in covering it up, probably to trick his own mind into thinking it was a new and sexy ball.

For a while there it looked like Ponting was going to declare.

People were changing shirts.

Hats were coming off.

Lee was wearing whites.

That did not last.

The only excitement on the balcony after that was Future PM David Hussey eating a long chip.
The commentators were all over the chip, but seemed to miss the bit where the players were quite obviously all changing.

Ponting may have left the Windies out there just to piss them off, but they seemed to be enjoying it.

Haddin and Clarke were having trouble hitting the now 140 over ball anywhere.

Sarwan was bowling into the rough.

Jerome Taylor was doing his best Wasim Akram impersonation.

A fun time was had by all, except the viewers, who were wondering when Ponting would start the game again.

If Ponting declares at lunch, Ian Chappell will roll over in his grave.

I am drifting off to sleep to the soft and general nature of this first session of the …

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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