Tuesday, June 24, 2008

changing ends

I am doing what so many Australians do, I am off to cash in on the easy money on offer in the UK.

In a few weeks I leave the birth place of champions, the northern suburbs of Melbourne, for the birthplace of something, London.

I have been to London before, but I seemed to spend most of my time drinking with expat Australians who thought they were so freakin cool to be living in London in a share house with 12 others. Fucken tossers.

The rest of my time was spent in a Russian mob café eating something they called fish, I took their word for it.

While I am really looking forward to moving to England, I will still miss some things about home.

Watching the first test and trying to work out what Ian Chappell’s bugbear for the summer is going to be.

Having all my mates ask me to the boxing day test, even though none of them are cricket fans, and they should know I don’t go to test matches to drink.

Sitting alone, or near a certain players mother at a state game, silently judging the players and the autograph hunters.

Going to the MCG 30 times a year. Actually just read this on the MCG.

Watching a one day game from the members.

Sitting in a bar arguing with my mate on whether test cricket is dead.

Sitting in the stands with Sime and Big Daddy as Big Daddy does his best to piss off every person sitting around us, while Sime gets fired up over bad techniques and refuses to get the sunscreen.

Talking to my dad about how bad Ponting is as a captain.

Collingwood, and AFL football in general.

The Epping train line.

Ignoring the latest Australian film.


I should arrive in England just in time for the South African tour.

And then Andre and I shall take over the world.


Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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