Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things that chicks will think are sweet about Joe Average

He took his mum to the AB medal, and gets a little embarrassed saying so. I resisted the urge to ask if he got lucky that night.

He apologises for leaving after a mere two and a bit hours to pick up his son.

He bought me lunch.

He says lots of nice things about his mum.

He always stop when I unintentionally finish his sentences for him.

He appears to have a full head of real hair.

He doesn’t seem to mind that occasionally I ask a question that is really not a question.

He eats a vegetarian meal, although, he doesn’t finish his salad.

He seems to accept the fact that I have no idea what I am doing.

He really appreciates how lucky he is, he even likes to train.

He doesn't ask the waitress to pour him some water he does it himself.

He seems to be able to string two and three sentences together at once, quite an achievement for a

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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