Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Collingwood does his name proud

I haven’t seen Sidebottom’s hip and shoulder yet.

I haven’t seen Collingwood’s pregnant pause.

And I haven’t seen Vettori’s refusal to shake hands.

But I wanna.

A lot.

I wanna see it all.

Collingwood clearly needs to be castrated, nothing to do with the bump, but for his slow over rate.

But everyone wants to castrate him for not calling back Elliott.

A very Australian decision.

Let’s look at the key players here though, Sidebottom, big rear end, hard to get around.

Elliot, South African mercenary, probably deserves the odd hip and shoulder.

Ian Bell, ranga, does what any fielder would do, he throws the ball to KP, another Saffer mercenary, Elliot run out.

Umpire Mark Benson sensing that if England had their time again they may withdraw the appeal, seeks out chief ranga Collingwood.

Collingwood says no deal.

And newspapers pretty much start writing themselves.

Vettori gets in a pinch, because we all know New Zealand would never do something this low. Just ask Murali.

Now let’s look at this rationally, calmly and without bias.

Elliot is a mercenary, from South Africa, and therefore deserves everything he gets.

If New Zealand are willing to play a South African mercenary, and therefore sully there resplendent black uniform, then they deserve rough treatment from opposition captains.

And don’t give me that, “but England play Saffers all the time” line, because England play anybody and look where that gets them.

Collingwood is guilty of the same crime that Ponting is always guilty of and Ganguly proved he still had in him during the IPL.

The spirit of cricket goes into the crapper when a game of Cricket is up for grabs.

Boo hoo.

Perhaps when this was an Amateur sport played by rich wankers they could afford to make decisions like, oh no chap, it was a mistake on Ryan’s behalf, you trot back down to the other end.

Cricket is a professional sport now, Collingwood’s balls are on the line, and in a long split second judgement, he chose the money over the girl.

Some would say Karma came back to bit him on the ass.

A few will say good on him for having some balls.

Others will say the right outcome was achieved.

Some people will talk about the rising gap between the rich and the poor.

Guess what, none of these discussions will change what happened.

What is Collingwood’s job as English captain?

To win games.


To protect the spirit of cricket.

You can’t serve two masters.

Apparently Collingwood has already apologised and said he was wrong.

Had England won I am sure this would have warmed the hearts of all Kiwis.

I'm sure some people will be asking for Collingwood to hand his letters and medals back.

Cricket, I love her when she’s

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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