Thursday, May 8, 2008

IPL (press snooze now)

I watched 75% of the first game between The Hasselhoffs and the royal old dudes.

That remains to this point the game I have spent the most time actually watching.

All the games are now fusing into to each other like episodes of charmed.

You know you saw something you liked.

You know it appealed to your base instincts.

You know other things happened during the episode as well, but in the end you are left with the vision of Aylssa Milano in a tight top and everything else has faded away.

The games seem over before they begin.

Without the Kiwis and Aussies the league seems a little more stale.

I still can’t remember who is playing for who.

The only time I get excited is when there is a scandal.

There is a game every 15 minutes.

By the time I work out there is a game on, and I turn the telly on the contest is over.

Every team has someone I like, love, hate or despise in them, so you can’t even support the teams properly.

2020 is a quicker form of the game, it even got boring at 10 times the speed one day cricket has.

And I can never remember who the hell I’m supporting (checked my calander today it’s the super duper kings).

Maybe the IPL isn’t for me.

Perhaps I should leave it for the serious cricket correspondents.

And this dude.

From here on in, my IPL coverage shall be phoned in.

If it’s good enough for Robert DeNiro, it’s good enough for me.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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