Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dirty Dirk Nannes - FOUND

Ladies (ha) and gentlemen (HA) I am pleased to announce that the search is over.

No, not the location of Osama
No, not the true identity of Jack the Ripper
No, not England's new bowling all-rounder saviour who will wrestle the Ashes from Michael Clarke's (probably manicured) hands.

YES, that's right people. Following on from my previous search for Dirty Dirk Nannes, it gives me great pleasure to report that he has been FOUND!

Dirty Dirk played his first bit of county cricket today. Yay! The dude got a game! I couldn't be more excited for him if he were my husband.

He took part in Middlesex's crushing 8-wicket (Duckworth-Lewis) victory over The Essex today. He took a wicket in his first over, getting Pettini lbw for a duck.
Now, Pettini can be dangerous, so I am quite sure this wicket was directly responsible for limiting Essex to a gettable 244 instead of, say, a redonkulous 391.
As it turned out, it then rained and rained, this being England in May, but Middlesex got in enough overs easily to make the D/L target.
It's not a trailblazing county debut in quite the same way as Grimsby-born Eyelids Patterson's 5 - 22, but it's a game.
Middlesex, we want loads more Dirty Dirk please.

(Big thanks to Suave for the tip off)

[b]EDIT! [/b][b]EDIT! EDIT! EDIT![/b] [b]EDIT! [/b]
Ceci has pointed out, in the comments, my EXTREME WRONGNESS. Apparently, Dirk played against Warwicks in the County Champs earlier this month!
O NOES indeed! And, more to the point, [b]why was I not told? Hmm?[/b]

Minus point: my whole post is rendered redundant.

Plus point: it is kind of reassuring to find that someone else has been stalking Dirty Dirk more closely than I.

Either way, Dirk is found, all is right with the world, and between Ceci and I he will never get lost again.

No matter how hard he

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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