Saturday, December 20, 2008

tim carves his name in tree, IOB knocks it down

Who is Tim McIntosh

He is not Aaron Redmond.

Nor is he Mark Richardson.

He is his own man.

And against the Windies, he is hard to get out.

His test average is impressive.

Better than yours.

Like lots of Kiwi openers he stays at the crease for a long time without scoring, but he does seem to have the ability to score.

Now it could be the case of a guy who is in the form of his life playing a pretty ordinary attack.

Or he could be to New Zealand Cricket what Jesus was to Christians, or Natalie Portman was to the Professional.

I am glad, ofcourse, that I didn’t see the innings.

Because I may killed myself by ingesting the packets you get in new shoe boxes.

Iain O’Brien would never make me kill myself.

6 wickets.

I bet he wouldn’t trade that in for the perfect pair of jeans.

Brett Lee has never taken 6 wickets in an innings.

And he has no idea what the perfect pair of jeans are.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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