Sunday, December 28, 2008

lunch day 4 report

South Africa have Australia handcuffed to a bed George Costanza style.

Hayden looked over anxious, and may be retiring as i type.

Katich looked over confident and tried to reach a ball way too wide for the standard krab.

And Hussey head butted a ball to square leg, it was out, but shit happens.

Morne Morkel bowled his best spell in Australia.

Steyn was looking good again.

Harris was something.

And Ntini is still like a battery bunny.

Ponting is looking pretty good, but he would want to.

Clarke is still in first innings mode, and if South Africa cn get a wicket before tea, they should win this match, if not, Clarke and Ponting may be able to carve something.

I am not sure what, but something.

Not a bad session actually.

Unless your surname starts with a H.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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