Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Krab is #1, Australia’s ugly truth

As much as I hate to say it, and I say it through a grinded asshole, Simon Katich is Australia’s best batsman.

When the shit is hitting the fan, if he is not out, you can feel some sort of comfort.

He is still ugly, oh how he is ugly, but he is a banker.

With Hayden and Punter looking increasingly shaky, the Krab’s hard exterior is getting the job done.

The South African’s were cock in a hoop at 3/15, but intelligent Australian cricket fans, those who read my site, knew that the Krab would be hard to shift.

He sort of digs into a crease.

And when you try and get him out, he shuffles, he nudges, and from time to time, he swipes.

Bugger me if hours later he isn’t always there.

The old Krab, the early 00’s edition, wouldn’t swipe, it didn’t nudge enough, and was usually put out of his misery after hurting everyone’s eyes.

Now, with a technique just a fugly, he makes it work.

It would hurt my head to work out how it works, but it does.

He won NSWales a shield title doing it, and now he is saving the bacon of men who get paid far more.

Damith said this “What fucking balls, ugly and untidy as fuck but gets the bloody runs on the board.”

That is exactly what he is doing.

My biggest problem with Katich is that when he played for Australia, there were no runs.

In his first painful 23 tests, he made 2 hundreds @ 36.

In his last 10 tests, 4 hundreds @ 61.

No one has a better record in the Australian team this year.

And no one looks worse doing it.

Keep up the hard work Krab.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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