Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jesus, had days like this (Cain, Robocop 2)

Am taking a break balls fans.

Not a long one ofcourse.

Will be back for the most important day of the year.

Yes boxing day is the most important day of the year.

So if you are Christian enjoy your Christmas.

If you are any other religion enjoy each and every other day of your life.

If you are Raelian, be stong my friends, I hear anyday now the Mother Ship shall descend on Jerusalem and set us free.

If you are a Scientologist, sucks to be you.

If you are a Mormon, try and convince the wives to give you a very together Christmas.

If you are a Sehwagologist, remember, on the 5th day we rest, the rest of the time we swipe.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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