Saturday, December 27, 2008

lunch report day 3

Australia came out with an ordinary attitude, South Africa capitalised on it.

And then they crapped down the collective throats of the Australian XI.

The new ball seemed so close to the aussies, and they played for it.

Siddle looked slower and shorter.

Johnson was uninspired.

Hauritz was too short.

And Lee never made it out on to the ground.

Hussey was a demon though, he beat Harris with guile and flight, from his slow paced delivery.

Duminy was very good, his main skill is scoring singles.

Ponting gave him a few anyway, but he just scored routinely.

Harris & Steyn were good, like Lee & Siddle from the previous day, they attacked and had luck, but mostly they just didn’t look like going out.

Australia would kill their grandmother for an attacking spinner now.

Hauritz is a role player, and yesterday with Siddle and Johnson doing good stuff he was handy, today he was a someone who could distribute the ball to the other end.

Like Clarke or Hussey.

This could be a math winning session for South Africa, although, if Australia are 2/200 at stumps it wont mean much.

I wrote this 20 minutes before lunch, and it has remianed unedited, i just couldnt see Australia get a wicket.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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