Friday, December 26, 2008

Pup, pure batting novacaine

In the new world.

Down shall be up.

White shall black.

Handjobs shall be bad.

And aussie batsmen will bat for hundreds of balls, without making a fifty.

I don’t mind Australia losing, but if they are to go down more often, at least do it the Australian way.

Not like this.

157 balls with one boundary, and more poking and prodding than a proctology clinic.

But it’s the lack of singles that is really Un-Australian.

Australia’s batting is supposed to be built on two rules.

Put away the bad balls.

Take as many singles as possible.

It’s not a secret formula or anything.

The New New Michael Clarke is an interesting player.

He still flashes at wide ones with no footwork.

He still hits the ball in the air at catchable heights.

But now he does the hard work, has a resolve of sorts, and occasionally digs so deep into the crease that he can’t score any runs.

It’s a weird mutation because it’s not as if he has got rid of all his bad traits and replaced them with good ones.

He has just kept the bad ones, added some steel and somehow forgot who he was during the renovation.

cricketwithballs We constantly get sodomized down the legside

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