Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ECB renews subscription

The English cricket fans are up in arms.

Sky has maintained its strangle hold in the cricket, and thusly no free cricket other than highlights.

In Australia we have free cricket.

If it’s a test, one day or 2020 played in Australia.

We don’t get to see it when the news is on, and sometimes for current affairs, and when Shane Warne was reaching the world record channel 9 showed wheel of fortune.

Also we get ads in our cricket, CSI Des Moines episodes are masturbated over by Michael Slater.

The next fucked up reality show is always something they Taylor household cannot wait to see.

And Tony Greig's retirement scheme, for years he was allowed to make money off people watching the cricket, now it’s a bit more subtle, but not much.

Then there is the cricket show.

Every year channel 9 crews with no passion for cricket trot out stories on newly contracted players, puff pieces on old cricketers and occasionally S’OD gets in Mark Taylor and someone with a brain to talk about the latest issues.

The show is stale, and seems to be not quite aimed at cricket fans, not quite aimed as casual cricket fans and not quite aimed at kids, urgo, shit.

The commentary team is weak at 9, and needs a wholesale change, guys like Damien Fleming and Ryan Campbell have showed more than Mark Taylor ever has, being a test captain should not guarantee you a commentary gig.

Sky Sports shits all over 9.

In commentary they are far superior, when the cricket is not on they are 100 times better, and the third man concept is something channel 9 should copy.

So there are advantages to having Sky involved, sure you have to pay for it, but you re getting a far superior product as well.

But what is the ECB’s role in this?

If BBC doesn’t want the cricket, surely the ECB should be looking for a free to air channel that will.

If the ECB aren’t careful cricket will become a boutique sport, for those who can afford pay TV subscriptions.

Cricket is not in a position to hide itself and wait for people to find it.

A couple of years back Australian Rules went through a similar stage, where half the games were not to be televised on free to air, and practically none were to be seen live.

The CEO of the AFL said something like, well if they don’t like it why don't they get pay TV.

Giles hasn’t said anything so arrogant, but is he making a decision that is best for English cricket, or best for the ECB’s bank balance.

I’ve only been over here a short time, but from what I can see, the bank balance seems to win at every turn.

In conclusion, Tony Greig

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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