Tuesday, August 19, 2008

for money or love

The Chennai Superkings are like Santa Claus.

They give and they give.

According to VB Chandrasekar Dhoni “might” make himself unavailable for the Champion League due to test commitments.

He also said
"More weightage should be given to Indian team,"
Ofcourse we all know the Dhoni doesn’t really rate test cricket, but with all this weightage for India perhaps he will change his mind.

Is this really even a story, was there ever a slight chance that Dhoni might pick the Superkings over playing for his country?

We aren’t at the point yet, well unless you’re a kiwi.

Whether he ever would have picked the Sooper dooper kings is unlikely, but did the thought ever cross his mind?


For a second or two?


Probably…www.cricketwithballs.com... fighting the war on tony greig

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