Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am often accused of decimating the English language.

But I am Australian, and we like to bastardize anything English and make it our own.

Even I think you can go too far.

Which brings us to the face book fan page of the Australia cricket team.

Not the Australian cricket team.

But the Australia cricket team.

Now i aint no expert on proper English or nothing, I'd probably fail tests on naming verbs from adjectives, but i'd say that is a pretty blatant mistake.

And there is only the best part of 5000 members there.

What the fuck?

No seems to mind, or have tried to correct this mistake.

Things i would have accepted instead:

Aussie cricket team

OZtrayan cricket team

the baggygreens

Pontings merry men

them cuntzwww.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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