Monday, August 25, 2008

the south african jesus & the latest CWB competition

Competition details at the bottom.

You remember Hansie Cronje don't you.

He's dead now, apparently neither satan or jesus could save him.

Outside of South Africa he is thought of as a dirty match fixing fucker.

Inside South Africa he is thought of as a hero and a one wayward christian soldier who did very little wrong other than a bit of match fixing.

History depends on how your write it, or in this case, how you film it.

So when Frans Cronje, brother of Hansie, and acclaimed Christian Auteur making a film about his brother you know it's going to be a fair and balanced film on a match fixer.

It is called Hansie, brillaint.

This is the tagline "The legacy of a hero, the story of a man".


The first line in the plot says "How do you start over once you have betrayed a nation's trust?".

The answer is by finding jesus.

But apparently the film delves slightly deeper than that.

Francois Rautenbach is Hansie, and he was also in Faith like Potatoes a Christian film festival winning film made by Frans.

Jonathon Hearns plays Steve Waugh, and his major role was playing Market patron in King Solomon's Mines, a role he received rave reveiws for.

Hearns is South African, apparently they couldn't find an Australian born again Christian actor to play Waugh.

Can't wait for the accent.

Here is a special competition for Cricket With Balls fans.

Anyone who can get me an advanced copy of this film on DVD before it hits the screens will receive a song written about their favourite player, team, or country (no matter how much i may hate them).

Burn it, steal it, get saved by Jesus, I don't care, i need to see this fighting the war on tony greig

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